Our mission
Facilitating and enhancing installations of multi-source/multi-load heating systems, by providing crucial products and services to heating contractors.
SolarLogic fulfills its mission by developing, manufacturing and selling a family of solar hydronic heating system products that feature an unprecedented ease of use, system design standardization and capability, and which can be installed by heating contractors who do not need to be expert in solar heating. Importantly, the platform approach and technology embodied in SolarLogic products is applicable not only for solar thermal systems, but for any system that has multiple heat sources (e.g., any renewable heat source, waste heat, etc.) and multiple heat loads (hot water, space heating, pools, process heat, etc.).
Our vision
By fulfilling its mission, SolarLogic eliminates the barriers that currently constrain deployment of integrated solar heating systems. Given the rising costs of traditional energy, and the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels, solar heating will become the accepted technology for hydronic heating. As the industry grows, SolarLogic will remain at its forefront, applying its unique expertise to innovating additional products and services that add value for heating contractors and building owners, while managing a growing portfolio of its partners‚ and installations.
SolarLogic is a leading technology company in the thermal energy management business. Whether for financial savings, a lower carbon footprint, reduced use of finite resources (fossil fuels), social responsibility or because of restricted local availability of fuels, SolarLogic’s clients are leading the way with smart technology buildings that make the best use of all types of renewable, non-renewable and waste heat resources.
The key concept that SolarLogic has brought to the solar heating industry, and that was previously lacking, is standardization. The SLASH-D produces a plumbing design that is fundamentally the same from job to job, a double primary loop (see diagram below). The SLIC can handle any system design produced by the SLASH-D because the standardization of the plumbing limits the number of variations that the SLIC will see. Still, the innate flexibility of the double primary loop system means that virtually any hydronic heating system in our target markets can be handled without modifications. This includes not only solar heating designs, but other renewable and alternative energy heating systems as well.
Who We Are
SolarLogic is a privately-held, solar hydronic technology company headquartered in Santa Fe, New Mexico, that is leading the way in the creation of seamless and easy-to-install solar heating systems. SolarLogic was founded in 2008 by a team of committed individuals bringing a wealth of renewable energy technology and industry experience, as well as extensive history with start-ups.